Blätter im Herbst
Blätter im Herbst (Leaves in Autumn), 2018, 16mm, colour, silent, 4min
In Blätter im Herbst (Leaves in Autumn) a color negative was exposed multiple times and cross-processed to a positive by hand. The motif of leaves moving in the wind, which fascinated audiences with the invention of film, is taken up and transformed into an other-worldly experience. A breeze gently brushes through the branches, light violently flashes in the cracks of celluloid. It used to be summer, now it is autumn. The title is an homage to Kurt Kren’s structural film Bäume im Herbst (Trees in Autumn).
Distribution: Canyon Cinema, Light Cone
Austrian Filmmuseum, Austria
Blickle Kino, Austria
Dresdner Schmalfilmtage, Germany
Filmkoop Wien, Austria
Fracto, Germany
University of Chicago, USA